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GoHighLevel Review: The Secret Weapon for Marketing Success

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Martin -
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Martin is an agency owner and SaaS projects maker. His work is featured in the leading ecommerce brands, magazines and podcasts. Talks about Marketing, Business Development, and Growth Hacking!
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Are you tired of juggling multiple marketing tools that drain both your time and finances? Do you wish for a solution that can streamline your marketing efforts, save you time, and boost your business’s growth? If so, this GoHighLevel Review is all you need!

GoHighLevel shines as a top-notch solution that stands out from the crowd. With it, you can effortlessly obtain leads, schedule appointments, execute campaigns, engage with customers, and much more – all from a unified platform. 

In this blog article, I’ll take you on a deep dive into GoHighLevel, exploring its key features, how it benefits different types of users, and how it can transform your marketing efforts. Let’s dive in!

What Is GoHighLevel?

gohighlevel review

GoHighLevel is recognized as one of the top-notch sales and marketing platforms available. It stands out as a tool, for marketers and agencies looking to elevate their marketing campaigns. 

By utilizing this platform users can effortlessly obtain leads, schedule appointments, execute campaigns engage with customers, and much more – all from a unified platform.

Moreover, the GoHighLevel CRM tool streamlines the lead generation process by automating and managing leads effectively. With this tool at your disposal, managing leads and nurturing client relationships becomes a breeze.


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Quick GoHighLevel Review


The best

  • Affordable Pricing
  • All-in-One Solution
  • Easy to Use
  • Customizable

The worst

  • Limited Integrations
  • Learning Curve
  • Limited Support
  • Limited Customization

Starting from

  • ➡ 14-Day Free Trial ;➡ Standard Plan – $97 per month; ➡ Pro (Unlimited) Plan- $297 per month

Who Can Benefit From GoHighLevel?

GoHighLevel serves as a resource for marketers, agencies, sales teams, dropshippers, local businessesanyone seeking reliable marketing and sales solutions. It caters to individuals or organizations aiming to maintain their presence while fostering growth.

So, if you find yourself juggling marketing tools that drain both your time and finances GoHighLevel offers the solution. This all-in-one platform ensures that your marketing activities become more efficient while saving you time.

GoHighLevel Review: Key Features

Next on this GoHighLevel Review, I’ll walk you through the key features that make GoHighLevel an all-in-one marketing solution, designed to help your dropshipping business grow and succeed.

🔸 CRM & Pipeline Management Features

gohighlevel review

GoHighLevel offers robust Go HighLevel CRM and pipeline management tools, enabling you to streamline your marketing campaigns and maintain valuable customer relationships.

 With this all-in-one platform, you can seamlessly integrate marketing tools like sales funnels and landing pages, simplifying your marketing efforts and saving you time and resources. So, whether you’re building funnels, planning email campaigns, creating courses, or setting up marketing automation.

Plus, automated pipelines make lead management more efficient and help you close deals effectively.

➡ Lead Management

Effectively managing leads is the cornerstone of a successful marketing strategy. Hence, GoHighLevel offers powerful tools to track, organize, and nurture leads. Features like automated follow-up campaigns and personalized emails and SMS messages help you stay connected with leads and build lasting relationships.

➡ Automated Pipelines

Automated pipelines simplify the process of moving leads through different sales funnel stages. Thus, no more manual management! GoHighLevel routes lead to the right pipeline stages automatically, making your sales process more efficient and effective.

🔸 Email Marketing

email builder

Creating and maintaining effective email campaigns can be challenging, but GoHighLevel’s email tools make it easier than ever. 

With an easy-to-use email builder, customizable templates, and a drag-and-drop interface, designing professional and engaging emails has never been simpler

Furthermore, you can seamlessly integrate emails into multi-channel marketing strategies, ensuring your message reaches the right audience at the right time.

👉 Check out the 16 Best Dropshipping Email Marketing Tools For Shopify.

Thus, this platform offers:

➡ Effortless Email Design

email design

Thus, this is one of the best features I want to explain in my GoHighLevel Review. Thanks to GoHighLevel’s easy-to-use email builder, designing personalized emails has never been easier.

 With its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, you can create professional and engaging emails in no time

Whether you’re starting from scratch or using one of the platform’s ready-made templates, the email builder equips you with all the tools needed to craft the perfect email for your campaign.

So, you can add, or remove elements, photos, call-to-action buttons, change colors and fonts, etc.

➡ Ready-to-Use Email Templates

email templates

GoHighLevel provides a range of pre-made email templates for quick and convenient campaign setup. These templates cater to various dropshipping niches and industries, making it a breeze to find the perfect design for your campaign. 

Simply customize the template to match your brand and message, and you’re all set to launch your email marketing campaign in no time.

💡 Tip: Check out the 8 Order Confirmation Email Examples & Templates For Ecommerce.

➡ Email Integration Made Simple

GoHighLevel seamlessly integrates with Mailgun, a third-party provider, for email delivery. So,  as long as your monthly email volume stays below 10,000, you can utilize Mailgun at no additional cost. If you plan to send more emails, you have the option to upgrade your Mailgun account. 

For those managing multiple clients, you’ll need to decide whether to use your Mailgun account for all clients and include the cost in your monthly fees or establish accounts for your clients’ sub-accounts.

🔸 2-Way SMS Marketing

gohighlevel review

GoHighLevel’s 2-way SMS marketing tools provide an effective way to engage with your audience through text messaging. 

Features like customizable text messages, automated responses, and built-in A.I. messaging help you stay connected and manage text messaging campaigns efficiently.

➡ Send, Record, and Reply to Texts 

GoHighLevel’s integrated texting feature makes it a breeze to send, record, and respond to text messages right from the platform. Also, you can centralize all your communications in one place.

.With additional perks like missed call text-back and customizable responses, you can stay connected with your audience and deliver an exceptional customer experience.

➡ Tailor Text Messages for Lead Nurturing

With GoHighLevel’s 2-way SMS marketing tools, you can craft messages that are customized to resonate with your audience and reflect your dropshipping brand

Whether you’re sending automated welcome messages, personalized promotions, or leveraging A.I. for more effective messages, customizing your texts can significantly boost lead engagement and conversion rates.

➡ Automate Text Messages for Effective Lead Nurturing

Automating text messages not only saves time but also ensures consistent communication with leads.

 With GoHighLevel’s 2-way SMS marketing tools, setting up automated responses and follow-up messages is a breeze. By automating your text messaging campaigns, you can focus on nurturing leads and growing your business while GoHighLevel handles the rest.

However, to send SMS text messages, GoHighLevel requires you to link with Twilio, a common choice for text-based communication in the CRM world.

So, you’ll need to procure a number for each client or business sub-account to kickstart SMS and GoHighLevel marketing automation. Once this connection is established, you’re good to go.

🔸 AI Messaging Feature

GoHighLevel takes text messaging up a notch with its built-in A.I. messaging feature. Hence, this feature delivers responses that mimic human conversation, boosting interaction with your audience. It harnesses natural language processing and machine learning to create personalized and effective messages that resonate with your leads and customers.

Integrating A.I. messaging into your 2-way SMS marketing campaigns can elevate customer satisfaction and yield superior outcomes.

💡 Tip: Check out my Shopify Magic Review: A Game-Changer for E-Commerce.

🔸 Workflow Automation

gohighlevel review

Workflow automation is a powerful feature that streamlines your marketing campaigns and follow-ups. 

With it, you can create flowcharts, customize events, schedule times and days, and integrate multiple marketing channels seamlessly. Moreover, you can even share workflow automation blueprints with other HighLevel users, saving you time and effort.

Furthermore, this tool simplifies your marketing efforts and follow-up processes. By automating your business procedures, you can ensure your campaigns run seamlessly and efficiently, saving you time and resources.

So, using this GoHighLevel’s workflow tool you can:

  • Create visual flowcharts.
  • Customize events and actions.
  • Schedule tasks on specific dates and times.
  • Seamlessly integrate various marketing channels into your workflows. 

This means you can blend email, SMS, and social media, and handle new leads all in one place.

Additionally, you can also benefit from the GoHighLevel snapshots. Hence, Snapshots are like blueprint templates for your workflow automation, which you can duplicate and apply to other accounts. You can even share them with fellow HighLevel users.

Furthermore, automating follow-up messages is essential for engaging leads and boosting conversions. So, GoHighLevel’s workflow automation makes it simple to schedule follow-up messages and actions based on specific triggers and events.

🔸 Call Management and Automation

Customers are important, and they want attention. So, let’s see what you can do about that using this app. So, in this GoHighLevel review, I will dive into the call management system of Go High Level.

HighLevel offers call tracking, call dialer, voicemail drops, and forced call automation. It’s a versatile tool for managing phone communication with leads and clients, making sure you never miss an opportunity to engage.

For example, if you’re running Google Ads to drive traffic to your landing page, you can easily set up HighLevel’s tracking numbers. 

Thus, this allows you to record conversions on your Google Ads dashboard, keep track of calls, and more. Additionally, you can implement HighLevel’s tracking numbers on your WordPress store to monitor which store pages are generating more leads.

So, what else do you get? Let’s see!

➡ Simplified Phone Dialing

Whether you, a team member, or a client is using HighLevel, you can make phone calls directly from the dashboard or mobile app.

➡ Efficient Voicemail Delivery

Ever wondered how voicemails can appear without receiving a phone call? It’s possible, and HighLevel enables this feature on any of its pricing plans, known as a voicemail drop. This tool is especially beneficial for sales teams.

➡ Automated Follow-up Calls

HighLevel proves invaluable when dealing with a growing number of leads. It automates follow-up calls by forwarding them through an automated system to specific users.

For example, someone on the sales team with a message such as: Hey Anna, a new lead came in that hasn’t been reached out to yet. They’re ____ and want _____. If you want to connect with them, press 1 now.

🔸 Unlimited Sales Funnels

create funnels

HighLevel’s funnel builder empowers you to create unlimited sales funnels with customizable templates. 

So, whether you’re capturing leads, promoting offers, or selling products, the user-friendly drag-and-drop interface makes funnel creation a breeze. Thus, you can 

gohighlevel review

In addition, GoHighLevel offers a wide array of customizable templates, simplifying the process of creating sales funnels that align with your business requirements. 

Thus, these templates are tailored to different dropshipping niches, enabling you to swiftly build effective funnels without beginning from the ground up.

gohighlevel review

Just pick a template, tailor it to match your branding and message, and you’re all set to roll out your funnel. In fact, you can drag and drop elements, call-to-action buttons, change colors, fonts, etc.

GoHighLevel’s adaptable templates make crafting the ideal sales funnel more accessible than ever. For additional template options, you can explore the offerings in HighLevel’s marketplace.

👉 Read about E-commerce Sales Funnels: How to Use Them to Get More Sales.

🔸 Website Builder

Next, you can also create professional and responsive websites with GoHighLevel’s website builder. 

gohighlevel review

It offers a drag-and-drop interface, a variety of themes and layouts, and integration with other marketing tools, helping you capture leads and track conversions. 

website builder

💡 Tip: Check out the 8 Best Alternative Dropshipping Website Builders.

So, with the website builder, you can benefit from functionalities, like

➡ Landing Page Builder

landing page builder

Furthermore, you can also design and launch high-converting landing pages effortlessly with GoHighLevel’s landing page builder. 

Likewise, it comes with A/B testing, mobile optimization, and analytics to ensure your landing pages are optimized for success.

👉 Check out the 10 High-Converting Shopify Landing Page Examples.

➡ Unlimited Polls, Surveys, and Forms

Engage your audience and gather valuable feedback with unlimited polls, surveys, and forms. Thus, you can design and embed them on your website or landing page to collect essential information.

🔸  Appointment Scheduling and Booking

gohighlevel review

Next, you can manage your appointments with ease. Thus, you can set buffer times, specify available days, and integrate calendars to ensure your booking process is seamless and efficient.

🔸 Calendar Integration

Incorporating calendars is crucial for smooth appointment scheduling and organization. And, that’s why I leave room to explain this in my GoHighLevel review. 

GoHighLevel’s calendar integration capabilities simplify the process of linking your calendar to the platform, whether you use Gmail or Outlook. 

This integration enables you to oversee appointments and bookings right from your GoHighLevel dashboard.


Thus, by merging your calendar with GoHighLevel, you can guarantee that your appointments stay current, ensuring you never overlook a chance to engage with your leads and customers.

🔸 Create a Full Online Course Platform

Creating and selling online courses and digital products can significantly boost your business’s income. With GoHighLevel’s boundless online course and product hosting, you can:

  • Easily create, manage, and sell your digital products.
  • Utilize the platform’s comprehensive course management system.
  • Add course sign-up pages to your sales funnels.
  • Efficiently handle memberships.
  • Develop and sell premium products through membership sites.

Furthermore, you can enjoy limitless video hosting for your online courses and digital products with GoHighLevel. 

Likewise, features such as customizable video players, secure sharing, and viewer engagement tools allow you to offer your students the best possible learning experience.

➡ Membership Sites

membership websites

With GoHighLevel Memberships, you have the ability to create content that can be accessed for free or with a payment.

So, when someone becomes a member, they get to view your training materials. This allows you to have more control over the content you share. You can also generate GoHighLevel courses to sell and boost your income.

Setting up a membership site in GoHighLevel is simple and speedy. You can link it to your main website, sales funnels, and marketing tools.

🔸 Reputation Management


With this feature, you can maintain a positive online presence by monitoring and managing your reputation. 

So, you can request reviews, track feedback, and respond to reviews to build trust with potential customers.

🔸 Social Media Planner

social media schedule

This GoHighLevel feature enables you to streamline social media management by scheduling and organizing posts across multiple platforms.

With it, you can plan and create engaging content for consistent and effective social media campaigns.

Moreover, you can schedule your posts, and automate the process of posting your content. So, for now, GoHighLevel integrates with Facebook, Google, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

🔸 Analytics & Reporting 

analytics and report

GoHighLevel offers in-depth analytics and reporting features to assist you in tracking the performance of your campaigns on various platforms, such as Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and website traffic.

So, these valuable insights enable you to pinpoint areas that need enhancement, make well-informed choices, and ultimately enhance your business’s outcomes.

🔸 The Mobile App

You can access GoHighLevel on the go with the mobile app, available for both iOS and Android devices. From here, you can manage leads, appointments, and tasks from anywhere and never miss an important update. Also, you have:

  • 2-Way Communication From Any Device – Connect with leads or customers via text, voice calls, or voicemails, regardless of how they contacted you.
  • Gray or White Labeling the Mobile App for Clients – Offer a branded mobile app for clients to use on the go, reinforcing your brand’s presence.

🔸 White Label Platform

This platform offers white-label services. Let’s discuss this in my GoHighLevel review.

GoHighLevel’s white-label agency fulfillment empowers marketing agencies to customize and offer the platform to their clients, creating an additional revenue stream and expanding their range of services.

However, to access your own white-label platform you’ll need to be on the $297/month plan. Also, it is only available on desktops.

By providing a white-labeled version of the platform, you can deliver a robust all-in-one marketing solution under your own brand. Your clients won’t be aware that the platform is HighLevel unless you explicitly inform them or they are already familiar with the software.

Moreover, there is an option to obtain a white-label mobile app for your agency, though it comes at a higher cost.

💡 Tip: Check out my Supliful Review: Is It Good For White Label Dropshipping?

🔸 GoHighLevel Integrations

gohighlevel review

While GoHighLevel can replace many third-party tools, it hasn’t entirely replaced all available options on the market. For instance, it seamlessly integrates with Shopify and Facebook. Also, here’s a list of GoHighLevel integrations: 

  • WordPress
  • Paypal
  • Mailchimp
  • Calendly
  • ActiveCampaign
  • Pipedrive
  • Leadpages
  • Jotform
  • Kajabi
  • Typeform
  • Teachable
  • Call Tracking Metrics
  • Schedule Once
  • SurveyGizmo
  • WIX
  • Squarespace

HighLevel has developed native integrations for most of these third-party tools, but for others, you may need to use Zapier to connect them.

➡ Payment Gateways

GoHighLevel offers users several payment processor integration options to streamline their payment processing requirements. One of the most popular payment gateway integrations for HighLevel is Stripe, a well-known and trusted payment processor that offers secure and reliable payment processing services. 

In addition to Stripe, GoHighLevel also provides integration with PayPal, a widely used payment processor supporting online payments and money transfers.

 Furthermore, GoHighLevel offers integration with for payment processing.

👉 Check out the 7 Best Payment Gateways For Shopify In 2024.

🔸 Invoicing

And, here’s another great feature I want to mention in my GoHighLevel review.

GoHighLevel’s new invoice feature equips you with a powerful tool to create and manage invoices efficiently. This feature allows you to easily generate professional-looking invoices that include product descriptions, prices, taxes, discounts, and even their company logo for a personalized touch. 

Moreover, the invoice feature also supports recurring invoices, making it an ideal choice for businesses requiring regular payments from their clients. Alternatively, HighLevel easily integrates with Quickbooks for added convenience.

🔸 Customer Support 

GoHighLevel offers various customer support features and channels to ensure users receive the assistance they need when using the platform. This includes:

  • 24/7 Support: HighLevel provides round-the-clock live chat support, allowing users to connect with customer support representatives at any time, directly from the GoHighLevel dashboard.
  • Official Facebook Group Community: HighLevel maintains a Facebook group community where users can seek support not only from fellow users but also from one of the founders, Shaun Clark, on occasion.
  • Onboarding Support: New users can take advantage of onboarding support, which includes tutorials and guides to help them navigate account setup, configuration, and platform usage, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free start with the platform.

GoHighLevel Review: Pricing

This dropshipping marketing platform offers a free trial and two other pricing plans. However, in my GoHighLevel Review, I will first discuss the 14-day free trial, and I will explain what you get with each of the pricing plans. 

➡ 14-Day Free Trial


First things first, you can experience the power of GoHighLevel with a 14-day trial. Thus, you simply need to visit their website. Next, provide some information, like your name, email address, and phone number to create your personalized GoHighLevel login.

However, you also need to choose the tier that suits your needs, either the Agency Starter Account or the Agency Unlimited Account.

Then, you can choose between the Agency Starter Account and the Agency Unlimited Account.

When you register, you’ll be prompted to enter your credit card information, but you won’t be charged right away. After 14 days, if you don’t cancel your membership, you’ll be charged according to the plan you tried.

During the trial, you’ll have access to all the features in your selected pricing tier, enabling you to evaluate its suitability for your business.

Regarding pricing, GoHighLevel offers two plans:

gohighlevel pricing

➡ Standard Plan – $97 per month

This plan includes access to most platform features, like CRM, marketing automation, appointment scheduling, and reporting tools.

 It also provides access to Twilio for two-way texting and allows you to set up a Mailgun account for unlimited email sending.

➡ Pro (Unlimited) Plan-  $297 per month

The Pro plan offers additional features such as SMS marketing, lead generation tools, call tracking, API access, and more. 

You can create multiple accounts for clients and even customize a branded desktop app for a unique client experience.

GoHighLevel Pros & Cons

Next, in this GoHighLevel review, I will list its pros and cons, so you can make an informed decision about whether is a good choice for your dropshipping business.

Pros of Using GoHighLevel

✅ Affordable Pricing

GoHighLevel’s pricing is budget-friendly compared to other marketing automation and CRM platforms, making it an excellent choice for small businesses.

✅ All-in-One Solution 

It offers a comprehensive suite of features for managing the entire customer lifecycle, from lead generation to conversion and retention.

✅ Easy to Use

The platform is user-friendly with an intuitive interface, suitable for non-technical users.

✅ Customizable 

GoHighLevel allows businesses to tailor their workflows and automation to their specific needs.

Cons of Using GoHighLevel

❌ Limited Integrations

Currently, GoHighLevel’s integrations are limited, which may pose a challenge for businesses relying on other software tools.

❌ Learning Curve

While user-friendly, it can take some time to master all its features, which can be a drawback for busy business owners.

❌ Limited Support

Some users have reported slow and unhelpful support from GoHighLevel in resolving issues.

❌ Limited Customization

Despite being customizable, some users desire more options for customizing workflows and automation.

GoHighLevel Alternatives

Next in this GoHighLevel review, I will also list some of its alternatives. So, if you don’t find Go High Level the best fit for you, check this out!

Hubspot vs GoHighLevel

So, the first alternative I will mention on my GoHighLevel Review is Hubspot.

hubspot vs ho high level

Both GoHighLevel and Hubspot are user-friendly platforms, but GoHighLevel’s interface is more straightforward to use. You’ll find it easier to navigate.

GoHighLevel is designed for customization, making it simple for users to create and manage campaigns and automation. Hubspot, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve, but it offers a broader range of features.

When it comes to features, Hubspot offers a wider variety of tools and integrations, including sales, marketing, and customer service features. While GoHighLevel focuses more on sales and marketing automation, it still provides robust features such as customizable landing pages, email marketing, and SMS marketing.

One of the key differences between GoHighLevel and Hubspot is their pricing. GoHighLevel offers more budget-friendly plans, starting at $97 per month for their basic package. 

For businesses with limited budgets, GoHighLevel might be the better choice. However, for larger businesses with more complex needs, Hubspot’s pricier plans might offer better value.

ActiveCampaign vs GoHighLevel

activecampaign vs go highlevel

So, here’s another alternative I will explain briefly in this GoHighLevel Review- ActiveCampaign. So, let’s see how they differ.

GoHighLevel serves as an all-in-one marketing tool for marketers and business owners, while ActiveCampaign is primarily an email marketing solution that provides everything you need to create effective email marketing campaigns and automation for online businesses.

GoHighLevel is designed with agencies in mind, aiming to support scaling, which is why it has always offered unlimited pricing. In contrast, with ActiveCampaign, the more contacts you add to your account, the more expensive your monthly bill becomes.

Additionally, ActiveCampaign allows you to send text messages but doesn’t provide the ability to receive replies. 

GoHighLevel, on the other hand, is a comprehensive communication platform that enables users to both send and reply to text messages, emails, Facebook Messages, Instagram DMs, Google Chats, and WhatsApp. You can even automate responses based on specific keywords or phrases in conversations.


In a nutshell in my GoHighLevel Review, this is not just another run-of-the-mill sales and marketing platform. In my opinion, GoHighLevel is a game-changer that can completely transform how you approach marketing and sales.

Thus, It’s like having a trusted partner by your side, guiding you through the intricacies of marketing with a user-friendly approach, all without breaking the bank.

Imagine a world where you no longer need to juggle a handful of different tools to keep your marketing efforts afloat. So, GoHighLevel steps in as your dependable assistant, simplifying your tasks and giving you the freedom to focus on what truly matters.

Whether you’re looking to automate your marketing campaigns, stay on top of your leads, or craft compelling content, GoHighLevel has your back. It’s the kind of platform that takes the complexities out of your hands, making your work more efficient and yielding outstanding results.

About the Author

Profile picture of Martin
Martin Stoimenov
Martin is an agency owner and SaaS projects maker. His work is featured in the leading ecommerce brands, magazines and podcasts. Talks about Marketing, Business Development, and Growth Hacking!
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