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Intelligynce Review: Is This Shopify Spy Tools Still Useful?

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Aleksandra -
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Chief of Content Marketing
Aleksandra teaches marketing and management at various levels in High School. She writes about marketing, the economics and logistics of the dropshipping business and ecommerce in general.
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Chief of Content Marketing
17 minutes

Eager to discover the hottest products, stalk successful stores, and revolutionize your dropshipping game? Look no further than my Intelligynce Review!

In this blog article, I’ll dive into the heart of Intelligynce, reviewing its features, benefits, and the burning question: Is it still the go-to Shopify spy tool in 2023? From Google Ads scrutiny to AliExpress mastery, I got you covered.

So, whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur seeking a competitive edge or a newbie testing the dropshipping waters, this article is your backstage pass to the tools that could redefine your success. So, let’s start!πŸ’‘βœ¨

What is Intelligynce?

intelligynce review

Intelligynce serves as a tool for dropshippers to discover popular and trending products. It consists of a bundle of software and tools that assist in conducting research.

The main objective is to find the products to sell on individual dropshipping stores typically hosted on Shopify.

Also, This platform provides access, to more than 250,000 Shopify stores worldwide helping users identify profitable products. It seamlessly integrates with Aliexpress, Shopify, and WooCommerce.

Intelligynce was established in 2016 by Bobby Walker and Phil Conibere who remain committed to updating its features. Now let’s take a look at my quick Intelligynce Review.


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Quick Intelligynce Review


The best

  • Simple integration on any device
  • Compatible with both Shopify and Woocommerce.
  • Time and money-saving filters for discovering profitable products.
  • Assists in finding top-selling products in any category.
  • Impressive features provided.
  • Includes an exclusive bonus software, Ali Inspector.
  • Allows the download of AliExpress products.
  • Offers a lifetime access plan.

The worst

  • The dashboard UI could use improvement.
  • Ready-made Shopify stores can be pricey.
  • No refund policy in place
  • Limited support for Facebook ads.
  • The lifetime plan may have a high initial cost

Starting from

  • $39 monthly payment; $99 one-time payment; $79 yearly payment

How Does Intelligynce Work?

The primary focus of Intelligynce is to monitor products across online stores and keep track of the most frequently purchased items. Once all the necessary information is collected it simplifies the process of tracking down suppliers with one click.

Additionally, it offers a link to connect with these suppliers who can greatly benefit your business by providing a range of products and potential opportunities in the future.

Why Use Intelligynce For Dropshipping?

Intelligynce proves itself as a tool that allows you to analyze, over 200,000 Shopify stores and explore around one million products quickly.

Moreover, the platform offers search filters that allow you to find successful products, on platforms such as Shopify, Amazon, and eBay.

Furthermore, one of its features is the capability to automate tasks. If you’re excited, about kickstarting your product sales Intelligynce makes it effortless for you to explore selling products from AliExpress making it easier to start earning money.

It’s a time and money-saving tool, sparing you from hours of research and preventing investment in the wrong products.

Intelligynce Review: Key Features

Now, I will list and explain in-depth the key Intelligynce features.

intelligynce review

Discovering the winning dropshipping product among 2 million Shopify products is made easy with their user-friendly search feature and powerful filters. The Shopify Products search tool provides valuable analytical insights for dropshippers, including:

  • Product popularity ranking
  • Daily store visitors
  • Estimated daily sales
  • Facebook pixel identification
  • Facebook page fans count
  • Twitter followers count
  • Instagram followers count
  • Quick links to AliExpress, Google, and Shopify stores

➑ Easy Filtering


In addition, sorting through 2.5 million products may seem like an impossible task unless you have a year to spare.

Thankfully, Intelligynce filters make it a breeze. So, this app offers a practical filtering system to help you identify trending products in any niche.

Thus, the filter options are conveniently grouped into four categories:

  • Social filters
  • Store filters
  • Sorting
  • Keywords

Under social filters, you can toggle the Facebook pixel “ON” or “OFF,” allowing you to focus on stores optimized for Facebook ads. You can also discover well-performing stores based on Facebook page likes and find new products based on social media followers, including Instagram.

On the other hand, the Seller’s filter lets you refine stores based on monthly traffic, currency, and minimum and maximum prices. Sorting options include monthly traffic and listing orders.

Lastly, the keyword filter lets you find products based on specific keywords associated with the product or store.

πŸ”Έ Stores Inspector

store inspector

This intelligynce feature gives you access vast array of over 400,000 Shopify stores, you can discover the leading stores and their top-earning products, making thousands of dollars daily. Also, this tool offers real-time insights into over half a million Shopify stores, with its database being refreshed twice a month to ensure you have the latest statistics.

shopigy stores

Moreover, the Stores Inspector delves into Shopify stores, providing comprehensive information about them, including social channels, product insights, installed apps, and traffic analysis.

In addition, in the store info section, details such as the last store update, store URL, Shopify theme, estimated daily sales, and Shopify username are available.

➑ Traffic Analysis

This feature allows you to easily view daily traffic, global rank, country rank, and category rank for each Shopify store.

traffic analysis

Additionally, you’ll receive traffic volume data from each country, information on traffic sources, top referring websites, top destination websites, organic and paid search keywords, social traffic volumes, and display ads.

Also, you can use this valuable information to create targeted Facebook Ad campaigns for higher sales conversion and quality leads to your Shopify Stores.

➑  Competitor Analysis

By using this tool, you can identify the top competitors for every Shopify store, enhancing your research and providing more data to refine your eCommerce store

competitor analysis

Moreover, you can analyze how top competitors promote their best sellers and model their success to improve your eCommerce store.

➑ Keyword Analysis

This tool helps you discover the top-ranking keywords for each Shopify store, along with estimated traffic for each keyword.

keyword analysis

So, you can use this keyword data to uncover related long-term keywords and improve your dropshipping store’s ranking in top search engines.

➑ Apps Installed

Here, you can precisely identify which apps are used by each store. Also, this insight provides a significant advantage in understanding which apps contribute to others’ sales and streamline their processes. Implementing these apps in your store can enhance your sales and conversion rates.

πŸ”Έ Google Ads

This tool lets you check the Google ads that a particular Shopify store is running and also see the keywords it uses.

google ads

πŸ”Έ Facebook Ads

In addition to Google Ads, you can also view the Facebook page ads for thousands of Shopify stores. 

facebook ads

The new Facebook ad library tool allows you to filter ads by country and provides additional details for each ad. 

Also, seeing the specific Facebook ads used by other successful Shopify stores can assist you in creating your own ads to enhance your store sales.

πŸ”Έ AliInspector 2

The AliInspector version 2 software is designed for researching top-selling products on Now, let’s explore the tools it provides.

➑ Keyword Generator Tool

And, this is one of the best tools I will discuss in this Intelligynce Review.

Starting with this tool is a smart move if you’re struggling to find new products. To use it, you just need to have a basic idea in mind. Have some category ideas that interest you or that you want to explore.

Once you input your seed keyword (category idea) into the search box and activate the ‘deep search,’ this tool will generate an extensive list of keywords. These keywords can then be used for further research into the best-selling products within those subcategories.

For example, let’s say that I want to search for products for my outdoor dropshipping business. Thus, I want to add products from the fishing category. Accordingly, what I will do is enter the β€œfishing” keyword and start the search.

intelligynce review

Consequently, what this tool did is it gave me an extensive list of long keyword terms such as fishing rod, fishing bag, carp fishing accessories, etc.

This is a really valuable tool, because, believe me, most of the time, you would’ve never thought of some of the keywords generated by this tool.

➑ Best Sellers Tool

intelligynce review

The best sellers tool from Ali Inspector assists you in exploring the top-selling items within any category or subcategory on the Aliexpress website

This way, you can easily examine all the popular products on AliExpress across more than 380 categories, helping you quickly identify the top sellers for your eCommerce store.

The best part about it is once you get the list of products from the specific category, you can click on each product (using the right mouse button). πŸ‘‡

intelligynce review

This way, you get access to each product’s images, keywords, variations, and more. πŸ‘‡

intelligynce review

➑ Product Search Tool

ali inspector

The next feature I want to dive into this Intelligynce review is the product search tool.

This feature offers three effective methods for swiftly researching Aliexpress using any keyword.  Moreover, it allows you to identify the exact top-selling products suitable for your dropshipping store.

Thus, the three research methods include:

  •  Exploring the Aliexpress website
  • Utilizing the Bing search engine
  •  Manually copying and pasting Aliexpress product page links

Also, the search results generated present a wealth of valuable information across 33 different data columns, such as:

Availability of product videos

  •  Product cost price, cost price + ePacket price
  • Suggested retail price
  •  Estimated profit per product unit for you
  • Estimated monthly sales and revenue for the seller

Alternatively, you can review the list of results provided by this tool.πŸ‘‡

intelligynce review
intelligynce review

 Next, there’s a built-in tool for collecting links. Hence, this means you can input any text with AliExpress product links, and Ali Inspector will gather data for all the discovered products.

With this added feature, there are no restrictions on obtaining the product information you require. Also,  the AliExpress link scraper will collect data for products from various sources, including:

  • AliExpress search result pages
  •  AliExpress category pages
  •  Any page on AliExpress
  • Google search results
  • Yahoo search results
  •  Any content or text file containing AliExpress product links

➑ Exact Product Sales Data

Here’s a unique aspect of Ali Inspector 2 software. So, let’s discuss this next in this Intelligynce review. The sales analyzer tool is something special.

product sales data

With this feature, you can examine the sales data and charts for any product on the Aliexpress website, specifically for the most recent 14 days.

Not only that, but you can swiftly navigate through all the product sales in your data grid by clicking the “Next” button, and the sales data is instantly available without any delay!

Furthermore, this powerful data can be used to fine-tune your audience targeting in your Facebook ads or any other advertising network.

➑ Import Unlimited Products and Product Reviews

This feature allows you to bring in as many products and product reviews as you want to your Shopify and WooCommerce stores.

So, the built-in product import feature takes care of setting the sale price by automatically calculating the markup percentage. Moreover, it can also generate a regular price based on a predefined discount percentage.  In addition, it creates useful SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) for each variation of the imported product.

Thus, all variations, including images, colors, and sizes, are seamlessly imported.

However, it’s important to note that this tool doesn’t handle order fulfillment. For this task, I recommend you use other options, like Megamo, Shipbob, Or Zendrop.

For example, you can use the comprehensive Intelligynce package to research and finalize your products. Afterward, you can use Megamo to import these products into your Shopify store, enabling you to fulfill orders quickly and stress-free. πŸ‘‡


➑ Directly Download Product Details to Your Computer

intelligynce review

This Ali Inspector tool also lets you download product descriptions, images, and all other data on the target products.

Thus, you can download all the image variations and details for an unlimited number of products directly from AliExpress.

Also, you can use the images in your own stores and easily get the product descriptions and titles from easy-to-use text files. Plus, you can instantly download the top-selling products directly to your Windows or Mac computer.

Moreover,, all products are conveniently organized into folders and files for easy access.

➑ Easily Save Your Best Results to Favorites

save to favorites

If you loved any product while researching the Intelligynce software bundle, you don’t have to worry about not finding it again.

You can easily save any products as your favorites, and create and put your liked products in different favorites groups.

➑ Preview All Product Images and Data

product images and data

To quickly see all the product images & data, click the β€œPreview” button to instantly see all the product image variations. Thus, you can see larger images by simply hovering your mouse over the of top the thumbnail images.

Moreover, you can also save and deliver these preview HTML files to your team

➑ Arbitrage Price Check Tool

arbitrage tool

Lastly from the AliInspector package, and the last one I will explain Intelligynce review is the Arbitrage tool.

This tool helps you find the perfect price for your products. Also, you can quickly compare product prices from AliExpress, Amazon, and eBay at the same time.

Thus, you can see exactly what those products are selling for on all 3 other most popular networks in just seconds.

πŸ”Έ Intelligynce Chrome Extension

Another standout feature that puts Intelligynce ahead of the competition is the Intelligynce Chrome Extension. 

πŸ’‘ Tip: Check out the Top 11 Dropshipping AliExpress Chrome Extensions.

Thus, using this feature, you can enjoy the following features:

➑ Activity View

activity view extension

Hence, with this tool, you can easily check how many products a store has launched and when they are launching them. Also, you’ll receive updates about their activities and information on the theme they are using.

➑ Best Seller

best seller extension

With this feature, you can effortlessly view the top 5 best-selling products along with their prices. Thus, you simply need to click on the products for a more detailed view.

➑ Apps

intelligynce review

Using this tool you can discover which apps is a certain Shopify store using. So, once you spy on your competitors, and gain knowledge about what apps they use and how they run their dropshipping business, you can use the same apps to boost your own sales conversion.

πŸ‘‰ Check out the 39 Must-have Shopify Tools for Your Dropshipping Store In 2023.


intelligynce review

With this tool, you can get detailed information about the traffic sources, including where they are coming from and Social Organic Traffic

Intelligynce Review: Pricing 

Intelligynce pricing is a bit different from other product research tools out there. So, instead of offering pricing tiers that consist of different features and availability, Intelligynce does that differently. 

So, let’s discuss this next on my Intelligynce Review.

Thus, the platform offers three pricing tiers, and with each of them, you have a FULL ACCESS to all the Intelligynce features.  πŸ‘‡

intelligynce pricing plans

But, what’s the difference? 

➑ Well, the first one of $39 is a monthly payment. So, each month you have to pay $39 and you have full access to all the Intelligynce features. 

Thus, if you are willing to try out this tool, and you are not sure whether is the best fit for you, I recommend it!

➑ On the other hand, the second option, which costs $99 is a one-time payment. And, in my opinion, this is the most price-valued option. So, if you are sure about using the app, you can pay $99 just once, and the app and all its features are yours. 

➑ Lastly, the third option is the yearly payment option. Thus, you get to pay $79/year and have full access to all Intelligynce features.

Intelligynce Pros & Cons

 Just like telling all the great stuff about using this app, in this Intelligynce Review, I will also list the biggest drawbacks of the platform. This way, you can make a more informed decision about whether it is a good option for you.


βœ…Simple integration on any device, wherever you are.

βœ…Compatible with both Shopify and Woocommerce.

βœ…Time and money-saving filters for discovering profitable products.

βœ…Assists in finding top-selling products in any category.

βœ…Impressive features provided.

βœ…Includes an exclusive bonus software, Ali Inspector.

βœ…Allows the download of AliExpress products.

βœ…Offers a lifetime access plan.


❌The dashboard UI could use improvement.

❌Ready-made Shopify stores can be pricey.

❌No refund policy in place.

❌Limited support for Facebook ads.

❌The lifetime plan may have a high initial cost.

Intelligynce Customer Reviews

As I was curious about customer testimonials about this platform, I did a little research. However, all I could find are shared comments on their  Intelligynce website.  So, I will share it with you in this Intelligynce Review.

Thus, from these comments, you can see that customers love their excellent customer service. Also, they claim it is an excellent time saver, and are amazed by their Chrome Extension. πŸ‘‡

customer reviews

Intelligynce Alternatives

If you don’t find Intelligynce the best fit for you, next on my Intelligynce review, I will also list its best alternatives. 



Peeksta proves to be an invaluable ally for online store operators, particularly those engaged in dropshipping. This unique tool is tailored to assist e-commerce enthusiasts in discovering top-notch products for their businesses.

Loaded with a plethora of features, Peeksta empowers users to make informed decisions driven by data, thereby optimizing time utilization and providing a competitive advantage.

Also, The Ecom King, a highly successful British entrepreneur in the realm of online shopping, is the mastermind behind this innovative tool.

πŸ‘‰ Read my FULL Peeksta Review: Finding Best Selling Products Online.

Key Features:

  •  Winning Products
  • Facebook Ads Spy (Product Spy)
  • TikTok Spy
  • Facebook Audience Builder
  • Video Ad Generator
  • Thumbnail Ad Generator
  • Product Explorer
  • Store Explorer
  • Suppliers

Also, the platform does not have a free trial. Instead, the platform offers three pricing options, starting at $19.99/month



Minea stands out in the realm of discovering popular products and ads, gaining immense popularity among dropshippers, marketers, and influencers. Its widespread appeal is attributed to its user-friendly interface, compatibility with various social media platforms, and affordability.

An outstanding feature of Minea is its ad spy functionality, which is considered the best among dropshipping tools. It boasts an extensive collection of ads from Facebook, Pinterest, and Minea TikTok, establishing itself as the ultimate tool for ad surveillance.

πŸ‘‰ Read my Minea Review: Find Winning Products & Spy On Ads For Free.

For those keen on tracking product placements by influencers on Instagram and Snapchat, Minea provides comprehensive coverage in over 30 markets.

Key Features include:

  • Minea Products
  • Minea Facebook & Instagram Ad Spy
  • Minea Influencer Marketing
  • Minea TikTok Ad Spy
  • Minea Pinterest Ad Spy
  • Minea Shops

As for pricing, Minea offers both free and paid plans, with rates starting at just $49 per month.



Adserea is the second alternative I’d like to delve into within this Peeksta Review.

This tool proves to be highly beneficial for dropshippers. Upon using Adserea, you gain access to a variety of practical features such as exploring trending products, crafting eye-catching ads, generating product descriptions, effortlessly importing products, and acquiring insights and fresh information across various niches.

What sets Adserea apart is its provision of pre-written descriptions, video ads, audience suggestions, ad content, competition statistics, and trend analytics for each product.

Additionally, they offer ready-to-import files tailored for Shopify users. To top it off, Adserea includes a Facebook audience search engine, aiding in the targeting of specific groups.

Take a closer look at my comprehensive Adserea Review: Is it the Best Dropshipping Product Spy Software?

Key Features include:

  • Daily Winning Products
  • Winning Product Analytics
  • Hand-Picked Winning Products
  • Live Products Spy
  • Store Finder
  • Store Analyzer
  • Audience Builder
  • Adserea BONUS features

In terms of pricing, Adserea presents three options, with the cost varying based on the subscription duration. Opting for a monthly plan is priced at $19.95/month. If you commit to a 6-month plan, the cost decreases to $14.99/month, and so forth.

πŸ‘‰ Check out my in-depth Adserea Review: Best Dropshipping Product Spy Software?


So, in conclusion to my in-depth Intelligynce review, let’s break it down to the essentials.

βœ… Why Use Intelligynce?

Intelligynce shines in simplifying product research for Shopify stores. With its efficient tools and Chrome Extension, it’s a go-to for those wanting a straightforward approach to uncovering profitable products and staying competitive.

⚠️ When to Consider Intelligynce?

If you’re aiming for a hassle-free product discovery experience, have a budget for a tool that offers comprehensive insights, and value time efficiency in your dropshipping venture, Intelligynce is worth exploring.

❌ When to Be Cautious?

For those on a tight budget or desiring an ultra-sleek dashboard, the lifetime plan’s initial cost may be a drawback. If a polished user interface is a top priority, exploring other options might be prudent.

πŸ”„ The Bottom Line: Practical Choices for Your Business

Whether you opt for Intelligynce or explore alternatives, my advice is to make choices that align with your budget, efficiency goals, and user interface preferences.πŸ‘©β€πŸ’ΌπŸ’Ό

About the Author

Profile picture of Aleksandra
Aleksandra Miteva
Aleksandra teaches marketing and management at various levels in High School. She writes about marketing, the economics and logistics of the dropshipping business and ecommerce in general.
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