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Best 9 Shopify Sales Tracker Tools For Your Online Store

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Aleksandra -
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Chief of Content Marketing
Aleksandra teaches marketing and management at various levels in High School. She writes about marketing, the economics and logistics of the dropshipping business and ecommerce in general.
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Chief of Content Marketing
15 minutes

Are you tired of struggling to understand why your Shopify store isn’t reaching its full potential? It’s time to uncover the hidden gems of e-commerce success with Shopify sales tracker tools.

These unsung heroes work tirelessly behind the scenes, providing crucial insights into your store’s performance and customer behavior.

But what exactly can you expect from this article?

Get ready to embark on a journey through the realm of Shopify sales trackers, where we’ll uncover their benefits for product research and sales tracking. From guiding you on effective tool utilization to reviewing top options, we’ve got you covered.

Imagine transforming stagnant sales into a thriving revenue stream just by leveraging the power of data-driven decisions.

Thus, join us as we delve deep into the world of Shopify sales tracker tools and unlock the secrets to e-commerce success. Buckle up for an enlightening ride!

What Is A Shopify Sales Tracker Tool?

Shopify sales tracker tools are the unsung heroes of e-commerce. These powerful platforms, often hidden behind the scenes, play a vital role in managing successful online stores.

By providing key insights into product performance and customer behavior, they empower entrepreneurs to make informed decisions that directly impact their bottom line.

So, what’s the good stuff you can expect from this article? We’re about to dive deep into the world of Shopify sales trackers, exploring their benefits for product research and sales tracking.

Not only will we guide you on how to utilize these tools effectively, but we’ll also review some of the best options available to help you on your journey.

  • Benefits of using Shopify sales tracker tools for product research
  • Benefits of using Shopify sales tracker tools for sales tracking

Just to give you a taste of what’s in store, let’s consider this scenario:

A budding Shopify entrepreneur was struggling with stagnant sales and didn’t know which products were worth investing in. After implementing a sales tracker tool, they were able to identify winning products that were previously overlooked. This led to a significant increase in revenue, testament to the power of effective sales tracking.

Buckle up and get ready for an insightful ride through the world of Shopify sales tracker tools!


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The Truth Behind Shopify Sales Tracker Tools

When starting an online store, it’s important to have the right tools to track your sales and monitor your store’s performance. One tool that can greatly help with this is a Shopify sales tracker. But what exactly is a Shopify sales tracker?

A Shopify sales tracker is a special tool that analyzes data from your Shopify store and presents it in an easy-to-understand way. It can show you important information like how much you’re selling each day, which products are the most popular, and who your customers are.

➡ How Does a Shopify Sales Tracker Work?

A Shopify sales tracker works by connecting to your store’s data through the Shopify API. It collects information about your orders, products, and customers and organizes it into useful reports and charts.

➡ The Benefits of Using a Shopify Sales Tracker

Using a sales tracker can bring many benefits to your business, including:

Tracking Your Progress

A sales tracker lets you see how your store is performing over time. You can easily compare your sales from different days or months to spot trends and identify areas for improvement.

Identifying Top Products

With a sales tracker, you can quickly see which products are selling the most. This information can help you make decisions about which products to promote or restock.

Understanding Your Customers

A sales tracker can provide insights into who your customers are and what they’re buying. You can use this information to create targeted marketing campaigns or develop new products based on customer preferences.

How To Choose The Right Shopify Sales Tracker for Your Business?

There are many different sales trackers available for Shopify, so how do you choose the right one for your business? Here are some factors to consider:

🔸 Features

Look for a sales tracker that offers the features you need most, such as daily sales reports, product performance analytics, or customer segmentation.

🔸 Ease of Use

Consider how easy the tracker is to set up and navigate. You don’t want to spend hours trying to figure out how to use a complicated tool.

🔸 Integration with Shopify

Make sure the tracker integrates smoothly with your Shopify store. This will ensure that your data is always up to date and accurate.

🔸 Price

Finally, think about your budget and how much you’re willing to spend on a sales tracker. Some trackers offer free plans with limited features, while others require a monthly subscription.

So, by taking these factors into account, you can find the perfect sales tracker for your business and start making data-driven decisions to grow your store.

Therefore, in the next sections, we’ll explore why product research is crucial for any successful Shopify store and how a powerful sales tracker can help you find winning products. We’ll also share our top recommendations for the best Shopify sales trackers available today.

Why Is Product Research Important for Shopify Stores?

Product research is crucial for Shopify stores as it helps you navigate the world of e-commerce and make informed decisions about the products you sell. It involves finding products that are in demand, profitable, and relevant to your brand. Without proper research, you may end up selling items that don’t resonate with your audience or are already saturated in the market.

Why is product research important?

  • It helps you identify popular and profitable products.
  • It allows you to understand customer preferences and trends.
  • It helps you differentiate your store from competitors.
  • It minimizes the risk of investing in products that won’t sell.

➡ How Can Sales Tracker Tools Assist With Product Research?

Sales tracker tools can be incredibly helpful in your product research journey.

Hence, they provide valuable insights into the performance of various products, allowing you to make data-driven decisions. Therefore, here are some key benefits of using these tools:

  1. Understanding sales figures: Sales tracker tools provide daily and monthly sales data for different products, giving you an idea of their popularity.
  2. Analyzing customer reviews and ratings: These tools also allow you to see customer feedback for specific products, helping you gauge their quality and appeal.
  3. Identifying top-performing products: By analyzing sales data, you can identify the best-selling products in your niche and consider adding them to your store.

With a product research tool at your disposal, you have a powerful instrument that can uncover hidden opportunities in the market. It enables you to find products that are both popular among customers and not overly competitive.

➡ The role of competitor analysis in product research

While identifying potential winners is important, understanding your competitors is equally crucial. Thus, this is where competition analysis comes into play.

Hence, by studying other stores in your niche and analyzing their sales data, you can gain valuable insights into their strategies and discover ways to differentiate your own store.

So, here’s how competitor analysis can benefit your product research:

Understanding their product offerings

By exploring what products your competitors are selling, you can get a sense of what’s popular in the market and identify any gaps that you could fill.

Assessing their sales performance

Analyzing competitors’ sales data allows you to see how well their products are selling and compare it with your own performance.

Gaining insights into pricing

By studying competitors’ pricing strategies, you can determine if your prices are competitive and make adjustments if necessary.

Remember, competitor analysis is not about copying others but rather learning from them and finding unique ways to stand out.

How To Leverage Sales Trackers for Effective Marketing Strategies on Shopify?

Sales trackers are not just tools for monitoring numbers; they provide valuable information about where your customers come from.

Thus, by analyzing traffic sources data, you can create marketing strategies that consistently deliver results.

Imagine having insights into which channels bring in the most interested buyers or which campaigns generate the highest sales.Hence, that’s exactly what sales trackers can offer.

💡 Tip: Learn What Is SKU? SKU Meaning In Sales & Manufacturing.

➡ Leveraging Traffic Sources Data

Here are some ways you can make the most of the data provided by sales trackers:

Identify High-Performance Channels

Hence, you can determine which marketing channels are most effective for your business. So, is it social media, email marketing, or maybe paid search?

Thus, sales trackers will show you the answer.

Tailor Campaigns to Audience Preferences

Also, you can understand what types of content your audience prefers.

Do they like videos more than blog posts? Thus, with sales tracker data, you can customize your content strategy to match their preferences.

Optimize Ad Spend

Stop wasting money on ineffective advertising. Hence, use clear data on what’s working and allocate your budget towards campaigns with proven return on investment (ROI).

Case Study: A Brand’s Success Story

Let’s take a look at how EcoWear, an eco-friendly clothing brand, used sales tracker insights to improve their marketing efforts on Shopify:

Data-Driven Decisions: EcoWear discovered that Instagram was their top source of website traffic, contrary to their initial belief that it was Facebook.

Customer Purchase Patterns: Analysis revealed that customers often visited the website multiple times before making a purchase, especially after receiving their paychecks.

Ad Strategy Optimization: Armed with these findings, EcoWear redirected its advertising budget towards Instagram and timed its campaigns to coincide with payday periods. This resulted in a significant increase in conversion rates and overall sales.

By harnessing the power of sales trackers to understand traffic sources and customer behavior, you can transform raw data into actionable marketing strategies. Like EcoWear, you too can adopt a data-driven approach to align your marketing efforts with real customer interactions and preferences.

Ready to unlock the full potential of traffic sources and optimize your marketing strategies? Next, we’ll guide you in selecting the right Shopify sales tracker for your specific business requirements.

How To Choose the Right Shopify Sales Tracker for Your Business?

Selecting the best Shopify sales tracker for your store can seem daunting, but focusing on a few key criteria can help simplify the decision. Consider these factors:

  • Reliability: The tool should consistently track and report accurate data.
  • Ease of Use: A user-friendly interface is crucial to quickly navigate and interpret your sales data.
  • Integrations: Compatibility with other tools and platforms you use can enhance functionality.

Top 3 Paid Shopify Sales Trackers

1. Sales Analytics by Shopify

Shopify’s own Sales Analytics provides a seamless experience with direct integration into your store’s dashboard. It comes with diverse metrics that give you an in-depth view of your financials.

  • Features:
  • Real-time reporting
  • Comprehensive profit calculations
  • Customer behavior analysis
  • Pricing Plans: Included with Shopify plans, starting at $29/month.

2. Better Reports

Better Reports offers robust custom reporting capabilities that go beyond standard sales tracking, allowing for a deep dive into every aspect of your business performance.

  • Features:
  • Customizable dashboards
  • Scheduled email reports
  • Cross-platform data consolidation
  • Pricing Plans: Starts at $19.90/month after a free trial period.

3. Lifetimely LTV & Profit

Lifetimely focuses on lifetime value and profit analysis, helping store owners make strategic decisions based on long-term customer value assessments.

  • Features:
  • Lifetime value tracking
  • Cohort analysis
  • Profitability forecasting
  • Pricing Plans: Starting at $19/month with a free trial available.

Each of these tools offers unique features suited to different business needs. Whether you prioritize real-time data, customizable reporting, or long-term profitability analytics, there is a paid plan available to meet your requirements. Consider test-driving these solutions with their free trials to determine the perfect fit for your Shopify store.

9 Best Shopify Sales Tracking Tools

As a Shopify entrepreneur, you know that staying on top of your sales metrics is key to the growth and sustainability of your business.

With a variety of tools available, it can be daunting to choose the right one.

But don’t sweat it; we’ve got you covered with a curated list of the best Shopify sales tracker tools out there. These platforms are praised for their robust features and ease of use, making them ideal for keeping your sales strategies sharp and data-driven.

1. OrderMetrics

OrderMetrics brings simplicity and clarity to your financial analytics. It’s not just about tracking sales; it’s about understanding profitability after taking into account shipping, advertising costs, and more.

  • Features:
  • Profit tracking in real-time
  • Advertising spend analysis
  • Shipping cost calculation

2. BeProfit – Profit Tracker

BeProfit stands out by helping store owners track profit over time with customizable reports and intuitive dashboards.

  • Features:
  • Custom reports
  • Expense breakdowns
  • Cohort analysis

3. Lifetimely: Lifetime Profit

With Lifetimely, you can dive deep into customer lifetime value and predict future profits based on past trends.

  • Features:
  • Lifetime value analysis
  • Profit forecasting
  • Detailed sales reports

4. Accountify: Real Time Profit

Accountify shines by providing real-time profit tracking that helps you make quick, informed decisions about your store’s performance.

  • Features:
  • Dynamic dashboard
  • Instant profitability snapshots
  • Overhead cost tracking

5. TrueProfit – Profit Tracking

TrueProfit offers a straightforward approach to managing profitability with features focusing on cost analysis and profit optimization.

  • Features:
  • Automatic profit calculations
  • Marketing cost integration
  • Customizable date ranges for reporting

6. Glew: Ecommerce Analytics

Glew is great for those who need an all-in-one platform offering insights across multiple stores and marketing channels.

  • Features:
  • Multi-store reporting
  • Customer segmentation
  • Inventory management insights

7. Data Export Reports

Data Export stands out with its ability to create highly customized reports tailored to the unique needs of each Shopify store owner.

  • Features:
  • Custom report builder
  • Pre-made report templates
  • Email scheduling for regular updates

8. Report Pundit

Report Pundit is a user-friendly tool offering comprehensive reporting capabilities at a competitive price point.

  • Features:
  • Customizable dashboards
  • Fast report generation
  • Free setup support by an expert team

9. Delirious Profit

Delirious Profit takes the guesswork out of profitability by providing clear insights into margins after all expenses are accounted for.

  • Features:
  • Margin analysis per product or variant
  • Historical profit tracking
  • Simple interface for ease of use

Each of these tools has been rigorously vetted by e-commerce experts who understand the ins and outs of running a successful Shopify store. They cater to different needs—whether it’s granular financial details, customer behavior analytics, or multi-channel reporting—ensuring that you can find the perfect fit for your business’s unique requirements.

Remember, while it’s essential to have access to comprehensive sales data, the true power lies in translating this information into actionable strategies that propel your business forward. The right sales tracker will illuminate opportunities and illuminate areas where refinement is needed, setting you up

Exploring Free Alternatives for Sales Tracking and Competitor Analysis on Shopify

Navigating the world of Shopify store management without breaking the bank is a common goal among entrepreneurs. With that in mind, let’s delve into some free Shopify sales tracker tools that can help you stay competitive.

Are there viable free options available in the market?

Yes, indeed! Free tools offer a range of functionalities that may surprise you. However, it’s crucial to assess them critically against their paid competitors.

Feature Comparison: Free vs. Paid Tools

When it comes to choosing between free and paid options for sales tracking and competitor analysis on Shopify, here are some key factors to consider:

🔸 Sales Analytics

While many free tools provide basic sales analytics, premium tools often boast advanced features like predictive analytics and AI-driven insights.

🔸 Customer Insights

Free tools can track essential customer data. Still, for deeper behavior analysis and segmentation, paid solutions tend to offer more comprehensive options.

🔸 Product Performance

Understand which products are your stars with both free and paid tools. The difference usually lies in the granularity of the data.

🔸 Integration Capabilities

Paid tools often support broader integration with other platforms and apps compared to free versions, which might be limited in this aspect.

🔸 Support and Updates

Regular updates and dedicated support are more commonly associated with subscription-based services, while free tools might offer limited or community-based support.

Therefore, let’s highlight a few free Shopify sales tracker tools that stand out:

Thus, here are some popular free options worth considering for your Shopify store:

  1. Google Analytics for Shopify: Integrates easily with your store for a detailed view of traffic and sales performance without any cost.
  2. Shopify’s Built-in Reports: Basic tier offers fundamental reporting features that could suffice for new or small-scale stores.
  3. Hive: A newcomer providing real-time sales tracking and customer insights at no expense.

Remember, while free tools can be incredibly useful, especially when starting out or running on a tight budget, they may not always match the depth and breadth of features found in paid options. Thus, each store has unique needs; identifying those will help determine whether a free tool can serve your purposes or if it’s worth investing in a more robust solution.


The journey to e-commerce success is a marathon, not a sprint, and the best Shopify sales tracker can be your pacesetter. It’s clear that sales tracking serves as the backbone of any thriving Shopify store. By providing an eagle-eye view of sales data and customer behavior, these tools empower store owners to make informed decisions that can significantly boost their store’s performance.

If you’ve been on the fence about whether or not to integrate a sales tracker into your business toolkit, consider this your friendly nudge. With the insights gained from a robust sales tracker tool, you’re not just guessing what works; you’re applying strategies backed by solid data.

About the Author

Profile picture of Aleksandra
Aleksandra Miteva
Aleksandra teaches marketing and management at various levels in High School. She writes about marketing, the economics and logistics of the dropshipping business and ecommerce in general.
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