Yueqing Dahe Electric Co., Ltd.

Supplier information

Category: Computers & Electronics

Shipping Cost: Varies

Last updated:

Shanghai Hongbo Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd., with the registered trademark of "HBAN" and "Hongbo", focuses on the field of button switch and industrial control electrical, providing efficient and reliable products and solutions for green energy and automation equipment. Hongbo main products: button switch, metal button, touch switch, piezoelectric switch, access control switch, signal light, indicator light, LED light emitting devices and other products.

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Quick Details

  • Company is based in CN
  • Average processing time of 4-7 days
  • Most likely a dropshippers
  • Cost range of products is $10 - $20
  • Minimum Order: 1
  • Shipping Cost: varies

Quick Details

  • Website: https://www.chinahban.com/
  • Contact Page: https://www.chinahban.com/pages/contact-us
  • Supplier Location: CN
  • Supplier Address: Huxi No.2 Road, Huxi village, Liushi Town, Yueging
  • Phone Number: +86-577-62708000
  • Email: hb@hban.cc

Shipping Locaiton


Product Cost

$10 - $20


This supplier has not been verified therefore we recommend being cautious.