Ujena Wholesale

Supplier information

Category: Apparel & Shoes Suppliers

Shipping Cost: Varies

Last updated:

At UjENA, we believe in being innovative and different. We believe in family business and we believe in designing swimwear and fashion that makes women of all shapes and sizes feel sexy. We believe in making it ourselves. We've been doing this since 1984 and we believe you'll love our high quality swimwear and fashion. Below are a few other important facts we hope you find useful.

UjenaWholesale.com was created because we believed the wholesale buying process needed to be easier. Our wholesale website gives you the flexiblity of ordering whatever you want, whenever you want and our Quick Multi-Order Form which you'll find on each product detail page ensures the actual process of selecting quantities and sizes is quick and simple.

* This supplier is not verified yet, hence direct messaging is not supported. Please contact us if you want to get in touch with them.

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Quick Details

  • Company is based in US
  • Average processing time of 7+
  • Most likely a wholesalers
  • Cost range of products is $1 - $10
  • Shipping Cost: varies

Quick Details

  • Website: https://ujenawholesale.com/
  • Contact Page: https://ujenawholesale.com/1001static.php?p=/1001help
  • Supplier Location: US
  • Supplier Address: 2544 Leghorn St Mountain View, CA 94043
  • Phone Number: (800) 448-5362
  • Email: orderdesk@ujena.com

Shipping Locaiton


Product Cost

$1 - $10


This supplier has not been verified therefore we recommend being cautious.