Smart Candles Australia Pty Ltd

Supplier information

Category: Home & Furniture

Shipping Cost: Varies

Last updated:

Smart Candle provides a safe, highly cost effective, versatile and realistic alternative to real wax or naked flame lighting, without substituting candlelit ambience.

Offering the latest in LED technology, Smart Candle is available as either rechargeable LED candles or replaceable battery LED operated models.

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Quick Details

  • Company is based in AU
  • Average processing time of 4-7 days
  • Most likely a dropshippers
  • Cost range of products is $20 - $50
  • Minimum Order: 1
  • Shipping Cost: varies

Quick Details

  • Website:
  • Contact Page:
  • Supplier Location: AU
  • Supplier Address: 34 Gould Road Herston, QLD, 4006
  • Phone Number: +61 (0)402 473476
  • Email:

Shipping Locaiton


Product Cost

$20 - $50


This supplier has not been verified therefore we recommend being cautious.