Magic Ice Cube

Supplier information

Category: Industrial & Medical Products

Shipping Cost: Free

Last updated:

MIC Los Angeles is a Personal Protective Equipment trading platform for global corporate users. With billions of units of masks, gloves, wipes, thermometers, and other PPE located domestically in California, MIC can guarantee efficient and hassle-free pickup or delivery.

Customer Reviews

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Quick Details

  • Company is based in US
  • Average processing time of 1-3 days
  • Most likely a dropshippers
  • Cost range of products is $10 - $20
  • Minimum Order: 1
  • Shipping Cost: free

Quick Details

  • Website:
  • Contact Page:
  • Supplier Location: US
  • Supplier Address: 1351 S Doubleday Ave Los Angeles CA 91761
  • Phone Number: (949) 945 8224
  • Email:

Shipping Locaiton


Product Cost

$10 - $20

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