Category: Beauty Suppliers | Wholesale Fragrances & Cosmetics
Shipping Cost: Free
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Lotus Light is a Wholesale Distributor of health and body care merchandise to several markets, nationwide, including Health Food, New Age, Spas, Salons, & Bath Shops. Our primary emphasis is providing high-quality, natural products. We are located in the upper Midwest, conveniently situated between Milwaukee and Chicago, within 1 day UPS service of all points in the upper Midwest.
We intend to supply only the best products. We have tried these personally, and find them to be effective and / or valuable.
* This supplier is not verified yet, hence direct messaging is not supported. Please contact us if you want to get in touch with them.
Shipping Locaiton
Product Cost
$10 - $20
This supplier has not been verified therefore we recommend being cautious.