Cameron Sino Technology

Supplier information

Category: Computers & Electronics

Shipping Cost: Free

Last updated:

Cameron Sino Technology Limited was founded in 2000 in Hong Kong with the focus of developing the latest and most powerful batteries. Over the last 2 decades we have expanded our business on a global scale with offices in different regions such as South Africa, Germany, USA and China. Our factory in China has evolved with the latest technology, so we are able to develop, build and manufacture the latest batteries for the latest gadgets. We value quality, speed, commitment and integrity; to consistently meet our business goals to better meet your quality needs.

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Quick Details

  • Company is based in HK
  • Average processing time of 1 day
  • Most likely a dropshippers
  • Cost range of products is $1 - $10
  • Shipping Cost: free

Quick Details

  • Website:
  • Contact Page:
  • Supplier Location: HK
  • Supplier Address: Unit 6-8, 11/F, Ho Lik Centre, 66A Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong
  • Phone Number: +852 2426 9811
  • Email:

Shipping Locaiton


Product Cost

$1 - $10


This supplier has not been verified therefore we recommend being cautious.