Xpansion Product Connector

Supplier information

Developer: Someone You Know

Last updated:

Show individual products as variants and link products by SKU, product code or (part of) a title.

  • Who is it for: Shopify merchants who want to synchronize their product data with external sales channels and marketplaces
  • Main features:
    • Connect and sync your Shopify products with popular marketplaces like Amazon and eBay
    • Update product information, inventory levels, and pricing across channels automatically
    • Streamline order management and fulfillment from multiple sales channels
  • How it works:
    1. Install the app and connect your external sales channels
    2. Map your Shopify product data to the respective marketplace requirements
    3. Xpansion Product Connector will synchronize your product data and automate order management
  • Pricing: This app offers 14-day free trial, after paid plan start at $2.95/month.
  • CTA: Expand your sales reach and streamline your multi-channel selling with Xpansion Product Connector today!


Product variants - Other

Plans start at:
