WS Places

Supplier information

Developer: Websacrilege

Last updated:

THE simplest Store locator ! WS Places is compatible with all themes, without any configuration.

  • Who is it for: Shopify store owners with physical locations who want to provide an easy way for customers to find and visit their stores.
  • Main features:
    • Store locator: Add a store locator feature to your website to help customers find your physical stores.
    • Interactive maps: Display maps with pin markers indicating the location of your stores.
    • Store details and filters: Provide store details such as opening hours, contact information, and filtering options.
    • Customization: Customize the appearance and design of the store locator to match your store's branding.
  • How it works:
    1. Install the Places WS Store Locator app from the Shopify App Store.
    2. Configure the settings and enter the details of your physical store locations.
    3. Customize the design and layout of the store locator to match your website's theme.
    4. Publish the store locator on your website, making it easily accessible to your customers.
    5. Customers can use the store locator to find your physical stores and view relevant details.
  • Pricing: The app offers 7-day free trial. Premium plans start at $9.99 per month.
  • CTA: Enhance the offline shopping experience! Install Places WS Store Locator now to help customers easily find and visit your physical stores.


Store locator

Plans start at:
