VIBE Shoppable Instagram Feed

Supplier information

Developer: Ecomate

Last updated:

Create shoppable and customizable Instafeeds with ease. Turn your Insta posts into sales generators.

  • Who is it for: Shopify store owners looking to increase sales and improve customer experience by offering personalized product recommendations.
  • Main features:
    • AI-driven recommendations: Utilizes advanced algorithms to suggest relevant products to customers.
    • Customization options: Customize the recommendation widget's design to match your store's theme.
    • Upsell and cross-sell: Promote related products to increase average order value.
    • Real-time updates: Recommendations adapt to customer browsing behavior in real time.
  • How it works:
    1. Install the Vibe: Product Recommendations app from the Shopify App Store.
    2. Set up the recommendation widget's design and placement on your store.
    3. The app's AI analyzes customer behavior and recommends products accordingly.
    4. Customers see personalized product suggestions as they browse your store.
  • Pricing: The app is free. Additional charges may apply.
  • CTA: Enhance your customers' shopping experience and boost your sales with personalized product recommendations! Install Vibe: Product Recommendations today to start offering tailored suggestions to your shoppers.


Image galleries , Content marketing - Other

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