Unveiled Tracking

Supplier information

Developer: Veighl

Last updated:

Easily create branded tracking pages that engage customers at every step of their shipment status.

  • Who is it for: Shop owners seeking to track and analyze their Shopify store's performance metrics to make informed decisions and drive business growth.
  • Main features:
    • Comprehensive Analytics Dashboard: Access a centralized dashboard featuring comprehensive analytics and performance metrics including sales, traffic, conversion rates, and customer behavior.
    • Customer Behavior Analysis: Gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns to better understand your audience and tailor marketing strategies accordingly.
    • Conversion Tracking: Track conversions and attribution across various marketing channels and campaigns to identify high-performing strategies and allocate resources effectively.
    • Customizable Reports: Generate custom reports and analytics tailored to your specific business goals and objectives for deeper insights and informed decision-making.
    • Real-time Alerts: Receive real-time notifications and alerts regarding important events and performance milestones to stay informed and proactive in managing your Shopify store.
  • How it works:
    • Install the App: Find and install the Unveiled Tracking app from the Shopify App Store.
    • Set Up Tracking: Configure tracking settings and integrate Unveiled Tracking with your Shopify store to begin collecting data.
    • Explore Analytics: Explore the analytics dashboard to gain insights into your store's performance, customer behavior, and marketing effectiveness.
    • Analyze Data: Dive into detailed reports and analytics to analyze trends, identify opportunities, and optimize your Shopify store's performance for increased sales and growth.
  • Pricing: Unveiled Tracking is free.
  • CTA: "Optimize your Shopify store's performance with Unveiled Tracking for actionable insights and data-driven growth."


Customer order tracking

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