Task Sync | Mange tasks

Supplier information

Developer: Brain Station 23 PLC

Last updated:

Introducing Task Sync. Organize tasks, collaborate effortlessly, and meet deadlines. Try it now!

  • Who is it for: Shop owners and teams seeking a centralized solution for managing tasks and projects related to their Shopify store operations.
  • Main features:
    • Task Organization: Create and organize tasks into projects, categories, or priority levels for improved visibility and organization.
    • Task Assignment: Assign tasks to team members, collaborators, or contractors with clear deadlines and instructions to streamline communication and accountability.
    • Progress Tracking: Monitor task progress and status updates in real-time to ensure projects stay on track and deadlines are met.
    • Collaborative Workspace: Foster collaboration and teamwork by enabling team members to comment, discuss, and share files within task threads for enhanced communication and coordination.
    • Customizable Workflows: Customize task workflows and project templates to match your team's specific processes and project requirements for increased efficiency and consistency.
  • How it works:
    • Install the App: Find and install the Task Sync app from the Shopify App Store.
    • Create Tasks: Create new tasks or projects within the app, specifying details such as task description, due date, priority, and assignee.
    • Assign Tasks: Assign tasks to team members or collaborators, providing clear instructions and expectations for task completion.
    • Track Progress: Monitor task progress and updates within the app, facilitating timely intervention and adjustment as needed to keep projects on schedule.
    • Collaborate and Communicate: Engage in collaborative discussions, file sharing, and feedback exchanges within task threads to foster teamwork and effective communication.
  • Pricing: Task Sync | Mange tasks is free.
  • CTA:"Optimize task management for your Shopify store with Task Sync for increased productivity and project success."


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