Sense WhatsApp

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Reviews: 16

Developer: Sense Apps

Last updated:

Stay connected with customers via WhatsApp. Automate sales and customer service with Sense WhatsApp.

  • Who is it for: Shopify store owners who want to offer WhatsApp as a customer support channel
  • Main features:
    • Add a WhatsApp button to your store for easy customer communication
    • Automatic chat translation for global customers
    • Customizable chat settings and message templates
  • How it works:
    1. Install the app and set up your WhatsApp account
    2. Customize your chat settings and message templates
    3. Sense WhatsApp will add a WhatsApp button to your store for customers to initiate chats
  • Pricing: Free plan available. Paid plans starts at $15.90/month.
  • CTA: Offer seamless customer support with Sense WhatsApp for your store today!


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