RareCircles Membership Builder

Supplier information

Developer: RareCircles

Last updated:

Build brand love with memberships that blend community engagement with rewards and benefits.

  • Who is it for: Shopify store owners seeking to enhance customer engagement and loyalty through interactive wheels.
  • Main features:
    • Spin-to-win wheels: Allow customers to spin a wheel and win discounts or prizes.
    • Customizable designs: Tailor the wheel's appearance to match your store's branding.
    • Exit-intent popups: Capture visitors' attention before they leave with the spinning wheel.
    • Analytics: Monitor performance and optimize your engagement strategies.
  • How it works:
    1. Install the RareCircles app from the Shopify App Store.
    2. Create engaging spin-to-win wheels with customizable options.
    3. Configure exit-intent popups to prompt visitors to spin the wheel.
    4. Analyze results and refine your approach based on customer engagement.
  • Pricing: Free.
  • CTA: Boost customer engagement and conversions! Install RareCircles now and create interactive spin-to-win experiences.


Direct marketing - Other

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