R2S Shipping

Supplier information

Developer: R2S Logistics

Last updated:

R2S App is your extension to fulfill your orders with R2S, to have them shipped to your customers!

  • Who is it for: Shopify store owners seeking streamlined shipping management and cost-saving solutions.
  • Main features:
    • Shipping optimization: Find the most cost-effective shipping options for your orders.
    • Real-time rates: Provide customers with accurate shipping rates during checkout.
    • Automated labeling: Generate shipping labels directly within the app.
    • Tracking and notifications: Keep customers informed about their order status and tracking information.
  • How it works:
    1. Install the R2S Shipping app from the Shopify App Store.
    2. Connect your shipping carriers and set up your shipping preferences.
    3. The app calculates shipping rates based on order details and carrier rates.
    4. Generate shipping labels, track packages, and provide customers with shipping notifications.
  • Pricing: Free to install. Additional charges may apply.
  • CTA: Streamline your shipping process! Install R2S Shipping now to save costs and provide accurate shipping rates to your customers.


Outsourced fulfillment , Shipping labels

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