w | pay with Paypal

Supplier information

Developer: Wallee AG

Last updated:

Offer payments via Paypal in your shop.

  • Who is it for: Shopify store owners who want to offer PayPal as a payment option for their customers.
  • Main features:
    • PayPal integration: Easily integrate PayPal as a payment gateway on your Shopify store.
    • Secure transactions: Provide customers with a trusted and familiar payment option.
    • Seamless checkout: Enable customers to complete purchases using their PayPal accounts.
    • International support: Offer PayPal to customers around the world for convenient payments.
  • How it works:
    1. Install the W Pay with PayPal app from the Shopify App Store.
    2. Connect your PayPal account to your Shopify store.
    3. Customers can choose PayPal as a payment option during the checkout process.
    4. After selecting PayPal, customers will be redirected to their PayPal account to complete the payment.
  • Pricing: The app is free to install and use. PayPal transaction fees may apply.
  • CTA: Enhance your payment options! Install W Pay with PayPal now to provide customers with the convenience and security of PayPal for seamless transactions.


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