Dropshee Builder

Supplier information

Developer: SmartEcom Ops

Last updated:

Auto-publish products with unique content and smart categorization. Your store setup in autopilot.

  • Who is it for: Dropshippers looking to streamline and automate their Shopify store operations with an emphasis on product sourcing and customization.
  • Main features:
    • Product Research Tools: Discover and import profitable products from multiple suppliers with DropShee Builder's product research tools, helping you curate a winning product catalog.
    • Automated Order Fulfillment: Simplify order processing and fulfillment with automated updates and tracking, ensuring a seamless customer experience.
    • Price and Stock Monitoring: Keep track of product prices and inventory levels in real-time across multiple suppliers, preventing stockouts and price discrepancies.
    • Customization and Personalization: Customize product listings and designs to create unique offerings for your Shopify store, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.
  • How it works:
    • Install the App: Find and install DropShee Builder from the Shopify App Store.
    • Connect Your Shopify Store: Integrate DropShee Builder with your Shopify store to start leveraging its features.
    • Utilize Product Research Tools: Use the app's product research tools to identify and import high-demand products from trusted suppliers.
    • Automate Order Fulfillment: Enable automated order processing to fulfill customer orders efficiently and provide timely tracking updates.
    • Receive Notifications and Updates: Stay informed with real-time notifications and updates on your store's performance, inventory status, and sales metrics.
  • Pricing: DropShee Builder paid plans starts at $17/month.
  • CTA: "Enhance and automate your dropshipping business with DropShee Builder for increased efficiency and sales growth."


Product sourcing - Other

Plans start at:
