BEST Currency Converter

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Reviews: 8519

Developer: Grizzly Apps SRL

Last updated:

BEST Currency Converter converts prices to your customers local currency, making shopping easy.

Who is it for?

  • Online stores with international customers who use different currencies
  • Businesses that want to offer localized shopping experiences to their customers

Main features:

  • Automatically converts prices to the customer's local currency based on their location
  • Supports 217 currencies, including cryptocurrencies
  • Mobile-responsive design for seamless user experience
  • GeoIP technology for accurate currency detection
  • Customizable currency switcher with flag icons

How it works:

  • The app detects the customer's location based on their IP address
  • It then converts the prices on the storefront to the customer's local currency using real-time exchange rates
  • Customers can also manually switch to their preferred currency using the currency switcher


  • Free plan available. 30-day free trial.
  • Paid plans start at $9.95 per month for additional features and customization options.

CTA: Get Doubly Currency Converter now to provide your international customers with a seamless shopping experience!



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