AI Product Descriptions

Supplier information

Reviews: 3

Developer: ConvertMate

Last updated:

Save time and improve your conversions by automating your product description management.

  • Who is it for: Shopify store owners seeking to automate and enhance their product descriptions using AI-generated content.
  • Main features:
    • AI-powered product descriptions: Generate compelling and unique product descriptions using advanced AI technology.
    • Customization: Edit and fine-tune AI-generated content to match your brand's tone and style.
    • Time-saving: Save hours of manual description writing with automated content creation.
    • Product variation support: Create descriptions for different product options and variants.
  • How it works:
    1. Install the AI Product Descriptions app from the Shopify App Store.
    2. Choose the product you want to create a description for.
    3. The AI system generates a description based on product details and specifications.
    4. Edit and customize the description to fit your brand's voice and style.
  • Pricing: The app offers 14-day free trial. Premium plans start at $65 per month.
  • CTA: Elevate your product listings with AI-generated descriptions that engage and inform your customers. Streamline your content creation process by installing AI Product Descriptions today!


SEO , Content marketing - Other

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