
Supplier information

Category: Apparel & Shoes Suppliers

Shipping Cost: Free

Last updated:

The brand received an unusual name in honor of the 520 microdistrict of the city of Kharkov, where the founder of MR520 grew up. It was there that his main values ​​were formed, which became the values ​​of MR520 - freedom, an active life position, going beyond the rules, openness to this world and the possibilities hidden in it. The path to building a brand has not been easy. More than 20 years ago it all started with a network of mono-brand stores of various European brands (Tom Tailor, Broadway, Motor, Kenvelo), and later the idea was born to combine successful brands in one multi-brand store - this is how the DEPSTOR network was born.

Reflected in our motto: “Made to Inspire”. Our clothing style is European romantic casual or urban street casual. MR520 garments combine outer aesthetics with inner comfort.We want you to feel equally comfortable in our clothes at a business meeting, at a party, or on a walk in the park. And the image created by our designer inspired you to new achievements, charged you with energy and motivated you to move towards your goal, overcoming any fears and obstacles.

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Quick Details

  • Company is based in UA
  • Average processing time of 1-3 days
  • Most likely a wholesalers
  • Cost range of products is $20 - $50
  • Shipping Cost: free

Quick Details

  • Website:
  • Contact Page:
  • Supplier Location: UA
  • Supplier Address: Kharkiv, Constitution Square 1
  • Phone Number: +38 (095) 6092147
  • Email:

Shipping Locaiton


Product Cost

$20 - $50


This supplier has not been verified therefore we recommend being cautious.