Category: Apparel & Shoes Suppliers
Shipping Cost: Free
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In 1991 Nucom, Ltd began selling our Burk’s Bay brand of leather apparel through distributors focused in Direct Mail markets. Our list of customers included American Express, Shell Oil and Bank of America. In 1992, we expanded into Ad Specialty and became the first leather jacket supplier to display at national shows. In 1995, we added in-house decoration. By the time we introduced our 2000 catalog, we had 24 jacket styles in a variety of colors with sizes up to 6XLT. Today Nucom Burk’s Bay offers the widest assortment of leather jackets and the most complete leather apparel decoration options in the Ad Specialty industry. We touch every state in the union and though our networks of distributors, have shipped to most of the Fortune 500 companies. Our jackets are used as incentives for sales teams, as safety awards at manufacturing sites and as gifts for executives. You will find our jackets on corporate web sites, in company catalogs and at company stores. You will see a Burk’s Bay jacket on the back of Wal-Mart truck drivers, in the cafeteria at Microsoft and in the hanger of Air Force One. With our 10,000 corporate logos on file, we are the first choice for companies looking for high-end outerwear.
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Shipping Locaiton
Product Cost
$100 - $500
This supplier has not been verified therefore we recommend being cautious.
November 22, 2023
May 02, 2024
April 09, 2024
February 04, 2025