Official HCG Diet Plan

Supplier information

Category: Wholesale Fitness Equipment

Shipping Cost: Free

Last updated:

Official HCG Diet Drops is not pure HCG. In fact, no company in the US can sell pure HCG over-the-counter without a prescription and administered by costly injections. Official Diet Drops work by the electromagnetic energies of the active ingredient, making a much deeper impact to the body.

Diet Drops are developed with the electromagnetic frequency of HCG, allowing the product to be sold over-the-counter and to transmit or imprint its signature upon any body of fluids in which it comes in contact; and thereby changing the electromagnetic instructions to cells and tissues. Considering the human body is over 90% water, such electromagnetic instructional messages are therefore easily transmitted through such a medium.

Our homeopathic products are not measured by the pharmaceutical form of the ingredient, but instead by the electromagnetic energies of the ingredient. As per the Diet Drops label, HCG is not measured in milliliters (ml) or milligrams (mg), or in pharmaceutical form, which can be measured in a lab, but instead by its electromagnetic energies in the mineral water, or as shown on the label--3x, 6x, 12x, 30x, etc.

Thousands of testimonials from real people with real results confirm the power and effectiveness of official HCG Diet Drops.

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Quick Details

  • Company is based in US
  • Average processing time of 1-3 days
  • Most likely a wholesalers
  • Cost range of products is $50 - $100
  • Shipping Cost: free

Quick Details

  • Website:
  • Contact Page:
  • Supplier Location: US
  • Supplier Address: 1453 W 40 S, Lindon, UT 84042
  • Phone Number: (800) 871-3767
  • Email:

Shipping Locaiton


Product Cost

$50 - $100


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